church histor

George Whitefield: Preacher of the Fields

On Today in Church His-Story (Episode 37) we commemorate January 14, 1739, the day George Whitefield was ordained to preach. Forced to forsake the ornate buildings of the Church of England, Whitefield was noted for his field preaching. Carrying a portable pulpit everywhere he went, Whitefield became the most celebrated preacher of the First Great Awakening to the glory of God. What can preacher’s today learn from Whitefield’s stamina, faithfulness, orthodoxy, and boldness in the task of preaching? Find out on this episode.

*At the 5 minute mark, I make a remark that may sound like I’m suggesting John Wesley wasn’t a hard worker. Much to the contrary. Wesley taught the unbiblical doctrine of perfectionism and therefore emphasized the work and diligence of a Christian. He was a hard worker to be sure. What I was trying to communicate was that what separated Wesley and Whitefield were their doctrinal differences not their industrious spirits, which they both shared. In spite of Whitefield’s affirmation of predestination, he yet possessed a hard working drive. He was not apathetic in spite of his Calvinism. He did not believe, but heartily rejected perfectionism, and yet he was driven in holiness and working with excellence to the glory of God.

Music on this Podcast furnished by royalty free music: Mid-Air Machine, A Whale On It’s Side